Here are the winners! Thanks to all who entered, and to John Plischke III who ran the contest. To see a slideshow with a sample of each entrant’s work and all the honorable mentions, follow this link…

First place : Xeramphalinoid with ghost primordia, Bolivia Daniel Winkler

Second place : Phallus indusiata Ecuador Daniel Winkler

Third place : Strobilomyces floccupus Robert Gergulics

First place : Cordyceps on Blattaria cockroach Daniel Winkler

Second place : Lactarius indigo Mary Smiley

Third place : Lepiota rubrotincti group Colombia Daniel Winkler
Judge's Option

First place : Daniel Winkler - Chanties, Hydnum and Chanty vodka

Second place : Mary Smiley - Leucocoprinus birnbaumii longitudinal

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