Modern (excluding Victorian Fairy Paintings - 1850-1950 )
This section includes still lifes, mushroom gathering scenes, studies, portraying mushrooms in a large number of contexts. The dates following the artist’s name are often those of his period of greatest creativity, not necessarily the dates of his birth and death. Some entries overlap with the post-1950 period and may also be found in that file.
Click on any entry below to enlarge.
Adam, Joseph Denovan. British. 1842-1896
Anetsberger, Hans. German. 1870-1942
Young Mushroom Collector (Junger Pilzsammler)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 80 x 60 cm.
- Mushroom description: Young man holding an Amanita muscaria on a stick
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Ruetten auction, March 1, 2008
Still Life with Mushrooms and Basket. ca. 1870
- Medium: Oils; size: 42 x 31 in.
- Mushroom description: Boletus edulis in and around a basket
- Location: Seen at ‘Habite,’ an American gallery in San Francisco
Anonymous, Amsterdam School. 20th century
A Leaded And Stained Glass Window (in wooden frame)
- Medium: Stained glass; size: 116 x 38 cm. (including frame)
- Mushroom description: Stylized decoration of an Amanita muscaria and two smaller mushrooms in shades of yellow, red, purple and green
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s auction, Sale 2744. 20th Century Decorative Arts. 23 May 2007, Amsterdam.
- Web: Christie’s
Anonymous, Danish?
- Medium: Sculpture
- Mushroom description: Several carvings of edible mushrooms probably chanterelles, Macrolepiota procera, Boletus edulis on the stone façade of the ?
- Location: Palace Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1902
- Note: Reported by T. Stijve
Anonymous, English School. 19th century
A Troop of Mushrooms and Toadstools
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 45.7 x 60.9 cm.
- Mushroom description: A study of Amanita cf. fulva, two green russulas, five red russulas, an Agaricus, several boletes, an old Lactarius?, a few others
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s Auction, sale 758622. May 2008. London, King Street
Anonymous, French. ca. 1923-26
Verrerie Schneider, Epinay-sur-Seine, France.
- Signed: “La Verre Française”
- Medium: Glass “Coprins” footed vase; size: 35.4 cm. tall
- Mushroom description: Stylized Coprinus-like acid-etched mushrooms on frosted ground
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Dorotheum (Vienna) auction on 28.11.2007
Anonymous, French School. 19th century
A Basket of Fruit, a Glass Jug of Wine, a Barrel, and Other Objects on a Ledge; and Bread, Mushrooms, Earthenware and Copper Pots, a Bottle of Wine and Other Objects on a Ledge (a pair of panels)
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 7.8 x 58 cm.
- Mushroom description: Single parasol mushroom in left foreground of upper panel
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s Auction, Sale 9775 Hamburg. 1 May 2003, London South Kensington
- Reference: Artcurial-Briest-Poulain-Le Fur auctions, December 6, 2005, lot 74.
- Web: Christie’s Auction
Armfield, Maxwell Ashby. British. 1882-1972
Fungi. ca. 1944-45
- Medium: Tempera on gesso-prepared panel; size: 23 x 28.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Peziza aurantia, Sarcoscypha cf. coccinea or jurana, Strobilurus, Xylaria hypoxylon, lichens
- Location: Private collection
- Reference: Christie’s, London. Friday 27 Sept 1991. British and Irish Traditionalist and Modernist Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings and Sculptures
Armstrong, John. British. 1893-1973
Still Life with Mushrooms and Garlic
- Mushroom description: Six cut caps, Agaricus bisporus
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Audubon, John-James. French-American. Santo Domingo 1785-NY 1851
American Pipit (Brown Titlark)
- Medium: Print
- Mushroom description: Anthus rubescens, and, on the background, two species of mushrooms reminiscent of Conocybe (the brown one at the left), and of Mycena (the small white ones)
- Reference: Peterson, Roger Tory and Peterson, Virginia Marie. Audubon’s Birds of America: The Audubon’s Society Baby Elephant Folio. New York: Abbeville Press. (Revised edition) 1991.
- Note: Reported by André de Meijer and Les Braund
Augius, Paulis. Lithuanian. 1909-1960
Mushroom Pickers. 1935
- Medium: Woodcut
- Mushroom description: Two women carrying baskets (with mushrooms?)
- Location: Unknown
Baar, Hugo. German. 1873-1912
Forest with Fly Agarics
- Location: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Several Amanita muscaria
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Baes, Firmin. Belgian. Bruxelles 1874-1945
The Mushrooms (Les champignons)
- Medium: Pastel on canvas; size: 23.2 x 31.1 in. / 59 x 79 cm.
- Mushroom description: Seven Agaricus campestris
- Location: Unknown
Barreth, H. British. 19th century
The Peacock
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 16.9 x 13.8 in. / 43 x 35 cm.
- Mushroom description: three brown agarics on the foreground
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Sotheby’s Olympia: Wednesday, July 13, 2005. British & Continental Pictures
- Web: Still Life Quick Heart
Barthélémy, Camille. Belgian. Saint-Mard 1890-1961
Still Life with Mushrooms (Nature morte aux champignons). 1945
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: A group of eleven boletes (Boletus edulis) on a table
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Seen by and photo taken by D. Thoen at an exhibition held in Virton (Belgium)
Bartolena, Giovanni. Italian. Livorno 1866-1942
[a] Still Life with Mushrooms (Natura morta con funghi)
- Mushroom description: Group of Boletus cf. pinophilus
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
[b] Still Life with Mushrooms (Natura morta con funghi)
- Mushroom description: Group of Hygrocybe sp.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Becic, Vladimir. Croatian. 1886-1954
Still Life with Mushrooms
- Mushroom description: Three capped mushrooms, probably boletes
- Location: Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
Beinke, Fritz. German. Düsseldorf, 1842-1907
Playing Children (Spielende Kinder)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 55 x 72 cm.
- Mushroom description: Mushroom in a meadow at the base of a fallen tree
- Reference: Kunsthaus am Museum Carola Van Ham, Köln. Auktion 54, 1973. black/white illustr. Tafel 129.
Benson, Stella. British Writer. Lutwyche Hall 1892-1933
Orlando and Jacques
- Medium: Pen and ink on paper
- Location: Private collection of Mrs. Georgina Berkeley
- Mushroom description: About twenty small mushrooms along a riverside at the foot of a big tree
- Reference: Pen As Pencil: Drawings and Paintings by British Authors. Europalia 73 – Great Britain. (black/white illustr. No. 37B) Exhibition arranged by the National Book League in co-operation with the British Council. Catalogue of an exhibition held at Internationaal Cultureel Centrum (Antwerp), 6 Oct. – 4 Nov. 1974, Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels.
Bidaine, Lucien. Belgian. Arlon, 1908-1996
Still Life with Hare (Nature morte au lièvre)
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: Four agarics (Agaricus bisporus or campestris) on a table with pheasant, onions and haging hare
- Location: Maison communale, Arlon (Belgium)
- Reference: Seen and photographed by D. Thoen at the Exposition ‘Rétrospective Lucien Bidaine (1908-1996) held in Arlon 8 to 23 May 2004
Bilibin, Ivan. Russian. 1876-1942
Illustration of Russian fairy tale called “Maria Morewna”
- Medium: Print
- Mushroom description: Several gilled mushrooms in the picture and others in the frame
- Note: Rare example of Art Nouveau mushroom painting
Birolli, Renato. Italian. 1905-1959
Woman with Flowers in Her Hair (Donna con fiori nei capelli)
- Mushroom description: Group of stylized boletes
- Location: Unknown
Bligh, Jabez. British. Active 1863 -1889 (Birth and death dates not known)
[a] Study of Mushrooms and Acorn
- Medium: Watercolor and body color; size: mounted oval, 18.5 x 26 cm.
- Mushroom description: Agaricus campestris
- Location: Offered at auction by Lawrence Co., UK. Private collection
[b] A Basket of Mushrooms
- Medium: Watercolor on paper; size: 20 x 20.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: A basketful of Agaricus campestris, a few outside the basket
- Location: Offered by Christopher Wood Gallery, London
- Web:
[c] A Mushroom Basket
- Medium: Watercolor and bodycolor; size: 16.25 x 20 cm.
- Mushroom description: Basket of Agaricus campestris, a few outside the basket
- Location: Private collection
[d] Mushrooms and Oak Leaves
- Medium: Watercolor and bodycolor; size: 12 x 19.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two Agaricus campestris
- Location: Private collection
[e] A Basket of Wild Mushrooms and Blackberries
- Medium: Pencil, watercolor, bodycolor; size: 25.5 x 29 cm.
- Mushroom description: Eight Agaricus campestris
- Location: Private collection
[f] Study of Mushrooms
- Medium: Watercolor; size: 20 x 35.5 cm.
- Location: Private collection
- Mushroom description: Four Agaricus campestris, two upside down, one with broken cap
[g] Mushrooms
- Medium: Watercolor and gouache; size: 27.3 x 22.2 cm.
- Location: Private collection
- Mushroom description: Agaricus campestris in basket, a few outside basket, chestnuts
- Web: 1st Art Gallery
[h] Study of Mushrooms
- Medium: Watercolor enhanced with bodycolor; size: 16 x 22 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of five Agaricus campestris on the ground, two are caps without stem
- Location: Private collection
[i] Study of Mushrooms
- Medium: Watercolor and bodycolor; size: 16 x 22 cm.
- Mushroom description: About ten Agaricus campestris on the ground
- Location: Unknown
[j] Mushrooms by a Bank
- Medium: Watercolor enhanced with bodycolor; size: 12.5 x 22 cm.
- Mushroom description: About eight Agaricus campestris, two turned over
- Location: Unknown
Boehm, Pal. Hungarian. 1839-1905
The Mushrooms Collectors
- Mushroom description: Basket of unidentifiable mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
Bores, Francisco. Spanish. Madrid 1898-Paris, 1972
Bouchard, F. French. Chalon-sur-Saéne1866-Montret (Saéne-et-Loire) 1947
Still life with Mushrooms
- Medium: Watercolor on paper; size: 39.5 x 54.7 cm.
- Mushroom description: Basket of Boletus edulis
- Location: Musées de Macon, France
- Reference: Hardouin-Fugiers, E. Les Peintures de Natures Mortes en France au XIX siecle. Paris: LÉdition de l’Amateur.
Bruck, Ludwig Lajos. Hungarian, 1846-1910
Girl Picking Mushrooms
- Mushroom description: Girl in forest with a basket full of indistinct mushrooms
- Location: Musées de Macon, France
- Reference: Virás Judit Gallery, Budapest auction, October 17, 2007
Calder, Alexander. American. 1898-1976
[a] Mushroom, Triangle, Inverted Comma
- Medium: Sculpture. Stabile, metal; size: 7.5 x 9 x 6 inches
- Mushroom description: Stylized figure of a mushroom
- Location: Private collection
- Reference: Gabrius website
[b] Funghi Neri (Black Mushrooms) 1957
- Medium: Sculpture. Stabile. Sheet metal, bolts, and paint; size: 112 x 91 x 72 inches
- Mushroom description: Stylized figures of mushrooms
- Location: Present location Unknown. First exhibited at Uffici Palazzo dell’arte al Parco in Milan, Italy, summer of 1957. Shown in Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2003.
Carlier, Max. Belgian. Tourcoing 1872-1938
Still Life With Peony, Mushrooms And Pigeons (Nature morte avec pivoines, champignons et pigeons)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 80 x 100 cm.
- Mushroom description: Not available
- Location: Unknown
Casciaro, Giuseppe. Italian. Ortelle 1861-Naples 1941
Cut Mushrooms on a Lawn (Funghi recisi in un prato)
- Medium: Oils; size: 52.5 x 88 cm.
- Mushroom description: About 30 pinkish cantharelloid fungi (Cantharellus tubaeformis?)
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Charnay, Armand. French. 1844-1916
Mushroom Hunters, Marlotte (Chercheuses des champignons, Marlotte)
- Medium: Oil on canvas; size: 19.5 x 33.2 cm.
- Mushrooms description: Three mushroom pickers at the distance. No mushrooms discernable
- Location: Musée Hospitaliere, Charlieu, France
- Web: Joconde
Chaucrin, René. French. ?1911- ?1981
Nature morte aux champignons
- Mushroom description: Not known
- Location: Musée des Beaux-arts, Lyon
- Reference: Joconde website
Chini, Galileo. Italian. Florence 1873-Lido de Caminone 1956
[a] Still Life (Natura morta)
- Mushroom description: Group of Boletus edulis and red-capped mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
[b] Still Life with Mushrooms and Cyclamens (Natura morta con funghi e ciclamini)
- Mushroom description: Group of Boletus edulis and Amanita caesarea
- Location: Unknown
Churberg, Fanny. Finnish. 1845-1892
[a] Still Life with Mushrooms
- Medium: Oils on cloth; size: 48 x 58 cm.
- Mushroom description: Chanterelles, russulas, boletes
- Location: Ostrobothnian Museum, Karl Hedman collection, Vaasa, Finland
[b] Mushrooms. 1877
- Mushroom description: Cantharellus cibarius, Lactarius sp.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Okkonen, O. Die finnische Kunst. Berlin: W. Limpert-Verlag, 1943.
Cichocki, Felix. Polish. 1861-1921
Five Children Tending Sheep. 1891
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 35 x 52.5 inches
- Mushroom description: Indistinct field mushrooms in foreground
- Location: Unknown
Clare, Oliver. British. 1853-1927
Cotton, John Wesley. American. 1868-1932
Truffle Hunters
- Medium: Aquatint in color; size: 18.7 x 26.1 cm. (image)
- Mushroom description: Not available
- Location: California State Library loan. 1966
- Reference: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Cruikshank, George. British, 1792-1878
Mick the Mushroom. 1880
- Medium: Print. Ink; size: 6.3 x 5.6 cm. (sheet)
- Mushroom description: Stylized mushroom with human face
- Location: Fine Arts Museum, San Francisco
- Web: The Amica Library
Dali, Salvador. Catalán (Spanish). Figueres 1904-1989
[b] Advice from a Caterpillar
- Medium: Lithographs
- Mushroom description: Stylizied mushrooms with inrolled cap
- Reference: illustrations for Lewis Carroll?s Alice?s Adventures in Wonderland. Maecenas Press-Random House, New York. 1969
- Web: Lockport Street Gallery
[c] Down the Rabbit Hole
- Medium: Lithographs
- Mushroom description: a repand (inrolled cap edge) stylized mushroom, perhaps a Lactarius
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: illustrations for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Maecenas Press-Random House, New York. 1969
- Web: Lockport Street Gallery
Degouve De Nuncques, William. French. Montherm? 1867-1935
Under Wood (Sous-Bois). 1894
- Medium: Pastels on grey paper
- Mushroom description:forest landscape with trunk, mushroom, fern
- Location: Mus?e de l’Ecole de Nancy, Nancy
De Pauw, Joseph (Jef). Belgian. Sint-Niklaas 1888-Temse 1930
Still Life with Mushrooms. 1930
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 78 x 99 cm.
- Mushroom description: Nine mushrooms on a table with a bottle and a flowering plant in a pot
- Location: Dinant, Belgium
- Web:
de Pisis, Filippo (Luigi Filippo Tibertelli). Italian. 1896-1956
[a] Still Life with Fungi
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 68 x 45 cm.
- Mushroom description: Stylized mushrooms, probably boletes
- Location: Archivo Pallazzeschi, Univ. of Florence, Italy
[b] Fungi (with a print by Poussin) (Funghi con stampa di Poussin)
- Mushroom description: Four boletes, maybe Boletus edulis
- Location: Museum Raccolta Della Ragione, Florence. 1927
[c] Still Life with Mushrooms, Chestnuts and Glasses (Natura morta con funghi, castagne e bicchieri)
- Mushroom description: Stylized mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
[d] Still Life with Mushrooms (Natura morta con funghi)
- Mushroom description: Stylized mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Detmold, Edward Julius. London 1883-1957 English engraver, water-colorist and illustrator
“The Wasp and the Snake” (from The Fables of Aesop). 1909
- Mushroom description: Right corner, below, Coprinus and Agaricus
- Reference: Larkin, David, Editor. The Fantastic Creatures of Edward Julius Detmold. Introduction by Keith Nicholson. London and Sydney: Pan Books Ltd, 1976.
Dix, Otto. German. Gera 1891 ? Singen, near Constance 1969
[a] Lot and his Daughter (Lot und seine T?chter). 1939
- Medium: Mixed media on hard plate
- Mushroom description: Polypores (cf. Trametes sp.) on a big Fagus tree at the right side
- Location: Private location, Aachen
- Note: The picture is famous as it prophetically shows Dresden burning in the background, an event which took place six years later
- Reference: L?ffler.F. Otto Dix. Dresden 1960. (figure 130)
[b] Mushroom still life (Pilzstilleben) 1946
- Medium: Oils on wood
- Mushroom description: Several species of fungi, in particular Boletus edulis, Agaricus arvensis, Cantharellus cibarius, Craterellus cornucopioides, Lactarius deterrimus, Ramaria aurea, Russula sp. and Sparassis crispa, depicted quite naturalistically
- Location: Private location
- Reference: Flyer. Kunstschau Bayer. Munich. 2001
[c] Pilze. 1960
- Medium: Color lithography; size: 56.7 x 75.2 cm.
- Mushroom description: Stylized boletes and chanterelles
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Lempertz Auktion 639, juin 1989. black and white illustration. no. 181
[d] Two Tree Stumps Attacked by Fungi (Zwei Baumstuempfe von Pilzen befallen). 1935
- Medium: Pen in sepia over silver stick on paper with chalk basis
- Mushroom description: two stumps covered by polypores (cf. Trametes?)
- Location: Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden, Germany
- Reference: Reproduced in a catalogue, Dresden, 1991
- Note: Original seen by H. Kreisel in 2006 in Dresden
[e] Drawing for Nelly Dix. ca. 1926
- Medium: Watercolor (?)
- Mushroom description: Dwarf with a stylized Macrolepiota in hand
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Color postcard (Edition Hazan, Paris, 1994) in Thoen’s collection
Dohlmann, Augusta. Danish. 1847-1914
Mushroom Still Life (Maleri svampe). 1905
- Mushroom description: Group of Amanita muscaria and several other agarics, including Stropharia caerulea
- Location: Unknown
- Web:
Dunoyer de Segonzac, A. French. 1884-1974
Vegetables and Mushrooms (Les legumes et les champignons). 1935
- Medium: Etching
- Location: National Art Gallery, Washington, DC
Engelhardt, Valdemar. Danish. 1860-1915
Medium: Porcelain vase with crystalline glaze and silver mounts. 1907
- Mushroom description: Group of campanulate mushrooms (pr. Panaeolus) made of silver at the base of the vases
- Location: Victoria and Albert Museum, London
- Web:
Escher, Maurits C. Dutch. 1898-1972
[a] Emblemata (#177). Amanita Muscaria. 1931
- Motto: Dissolutionis ex humore speciose praefresco. Epigram: Wasdom van geheimenis, nabloei van de nacht, broos is mijn verrijzenis, een verwezen pracht. (Secret growth, legacy of the night, spongily I rise, a serene beauty)
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria
- Location: Offered by Walker Gallery, New York
[b] The Third Day of the Creation. 1926
- Medium: Woodcut on woven paper; size: 37.3 x 27.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of four stylized Amanita muscaria
- Location: National Gallery of Canada
[c] Perpetual movement (Mouvement perpetual). 1961
- Medium: Lithography
- Mushroom description: Pezizas, Clavaria, lichen
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Ernst, Bruno. L’aventure des figures impossibles. Taschen Ed. 1990. (B&W illustration)
Evgenie, Ivanovich. Russian. Kamzolkin 1885-1957
The Mushroom Gatherer (Le Ramasseur de Champignons)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 46.3 x 37.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Man with two baskets filled with brown capped mushrooms (Boletus?)
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Hampel Auctions
Farquharson, David. British. 1840-1907
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 40.6 x 61 cm.
- Mushroom description: No mushrooms can be seen in this wide landscape. Two people seem to be picking mushrooms in the distance
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie?s auction. Sale 5306, Scottish Art.16 April 2008. London, South Kensington
- Web: Christie’s Auction
Faruffini, Federico. Italian. Sesto San Giovanni (Milano) 1831-Perugia 1879
Sordello e Cunizza
- Mushroom description: In the right corner, below, probably a Psathyrella sp.
- Location: Pinacotheca di Brera, Milano
Fasan, Antonio. Italian
- Still Life (Natura Morta) 1902
- Mushroom description: Not known
- Location: Private collection, Padova
- Reference: 1. Robert S. Marks (letter to D. Thoen). 2. Brissoni, “Antonio Fasan”.., 82 plates (many in color). 1969.
Fearnley, Thomas. Norwegian. Halden 1802-Munich 1842
Labrofossen ved Kongsberg; Torrent de Labro ? Konsberg
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: Landscape with waterfall, pines, birches and three Amanita muscaria
- Location: National Gallery, Oslo
- Reference: Color postcard seen by D. Thoen
Felixmuller, Conrad. German. 1897-1977
Still Life with Mushrooms
- Mushroom description: One each: Amanita muscaria, Macrolepiota procera, Boletus edulis
- Location: Unknown
Folkard, Charles. British. 1878-1963
The Witch’s Garden
- Medium: Watercolor; size: 22.9 x 17.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of stylized campanulate mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Bridgeman Art Library
Francken, Jan. Dutch. 1877-1961
Still Life with Chrysanthemums in a Pewter Vase, Mushrooms and Fruits
- Medium: Oils on cardboard; size: 61.5 x 55 cm.
- Location: Unknown
Frolich, Lorens de. Danish. 1820-1908
Two Boletes (To rorhatte). 1838
- Mushroom description: Two boletes
- Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
- Reference: Transparency in Thoen’s collection
Galland, Pierre Victor. Swiss. Geneva 1822- Paris 1892
Forest Understory with Red Mushrooms (Sous-bois aux champignons rouge)
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: Group of red russulas
- Location: Mus?e d?Orsay, Paris
- Reference: Joconde website. “L’ABCdaire des champignons. Flammarion, 2000
Galle, Emile. French. 1846-1904
The Coprinus (Les Coprins)
- Medium: Mushroom lamp in glowing orange blown glass; size: 83 cm. tall
- Location: Kitazawa Musuem of Art, Suwa, Japan
- Web:
- The Coprinus (Les Coprins)
- Medium: Mushroom lamp in glowing orange blown glass; size: 83 cm. tall
- Location: Kitazawa Musuem of Art, Suwa, Japan
Gaugin, Paul. French. Paris 1848-Atuona, Marchesas Islands 1903
The Removed Headdress. ca. 1897
- Mushroom description: Two ray, funnel shaped agarics with ring
- Location: Phillips Collection, Washington DC
Gaul, August, German, 1869-1921
Study of Butterflies, Mushrooms and Flowers
- Medium: Lithograph; size: 17.2 x 20.2 cm. (image); 33.1 x 45.7 cm. (sheet)
- Location: Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts 1963
- Reference: Museums of Fine Arts, San Francisco
Generalic, Ivan. Croat. 1914-1992
Landscape. 1954
- Medium: Glass painting
- Mushroom description: Three small capped mushrooms on forest floor
- Reference: Lexicon der Kunst. Freiburg. 1985.
Gerrard, Kathleen. British. 1894-1970
Still Life with Yellow Fungus. ca. 1936-39
- Medium: Oils on canvas support; size: 405 x 510 mm.
- Mushroom description: Not known
- Location: Tate Gallery, London. (T06486)
Ghilionda-Lamouzele, Yvonne. Probably mid 19th-mid 20th century
Les champignons
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 35 x 24 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of four boletes, perhaps Boletus edulis
- Location: Mus?e des Augustines, Toulouse, France (Inventory No. 8616)
Goedvriend, Theo. Dutch. Rheden, 1879-Warnsveld, 1969
[a] Fly agarics (Vliegenzwammen)
- Medium: Oils on board; size: 47 x 33 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
[b] Fly Agaric (Vliegenzwammen)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 56.4 x 85.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
- Web: Simonis & Buunk
[c] Fly agaric (Vliegenzwammen)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 46.7 x 56 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Simonis & Buunk
- [d]
- Mushrooms
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 37 x 57 cm.
- Mushroom description: Ca. eight red-capped amanitas
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Sotheby auction (Hammer Price with Buyer’s Premium: 1,560 EUR)
[e] Mushrooms
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 41.9 x 28.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Macrolepiota sp.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Simonis & Buunk
[f] Mushrooms (Paddenstoelen)
- Medium: Oils on board; size: 13 x 17 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Russulas
- Location: Unknown
[g] Mushrooms (Paddenstoelen)
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 26 x 36 cm.
- Mushroom description: red Russula, Polypore: Ischnoderma benzoinum
- Location: Unknown
[h] Mushrooms (Paddenstoelen)
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 44.5 x 33 cm.
- Mushroom description:Group of Macrolepiota rhacodes
- Location: Unknown
[i] Mushrooms on a Forest Bank
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 48.8 x 38 cm.
- Mushroom description: three Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
[j] Mushrooms on Forest Bank
- Mushroom description: Group of six Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknow
[k] Red Mushrooms (Rode paddestoelen)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 55.6 x 85.6 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
[l] Salamander Near Amanita muscaria (Salamander bij een vliegenzwam)
- Mushroom description: Several Amanita muscaria near salamander
- Location: Unknown
[m] A Still Life of Mushrooms
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 58 x 78 cm.
- Mushroom description: Five Amanita muscaria, three Macrolepiota rhacodes
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Sotheby auction, AM0897: Amsterdam, Session 2: Mon, 29 Sep 03
[n] Mushrooms (Paddestoelen)
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 29.5 x 46 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
[o] Amanita muscaria (Vliegenzwammen)
- Mushroom description: Group of six Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
Gonchorova, Natalia S. Russian. 1881-1962
The Mushroom Pickers
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 45.1 x 57.2 cm.
- Mushroom description: Three women picking non-visible mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Heritage Auction Galleries. Auction 652, lot 25186
Gorse, Andre. French. 1847-1899
- Medium: Oil on canvas; size: 45 x 55 cm.
- Mushroom description: Collection of Boletus edulis
- Location: Pau Musee des Beaux Arts
- Web: Joconde
Graag, Julie de. Dutch. 1877-1924
October. 1917
- Medium: Woodcut
- Location: Drents Museum, Assen, The Netherlands
Green, Elizabeth Shippen. American. 1871-1954
The Little Gardener. 1902
- Medium: Print
- Mushroom description: Group of white gilled campanulate agarics
- Location: Private collection
- Reference: Bridgeman Art Library
Gulacsy, Lajos. Hungarian. Budapest 1882-1932
The Opium Smoker’s Dream. 1913-18
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 160 x 90 cm.
- Mushroom description: Foreground with a number of mushrooms shaped like Coprinus, Panaeolus and Agaricus
- Location: Janus Pannonius Museum, Pecs, Hungary
Gisenbert, K (given names?). German? 19th -20th Century?
The Mushrooms Pickers
- Mushroom description: Mushrooms visible on the ground but not identifiable on website picture
- Location: Unknown
Golynski, Vassili. Russian. 19th century?
Mushroom Gatherers Resting
- A group seated and lying in a little cleared space in the forest and listening, rather incredulously, to the eager assertions of the youngest that she knows where a still more fruitful harvest of fungi may be found.
- Mushroom description: Two mushroom baskets and loose mushrooms on the ground, possibly boletes
- Location: Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Web: Galvin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology
Hartenkampf, Kempf Von. Austrian. Vienna 1871-1964
A Mushroom
- Mushroom description: A somewhat stylized campanulate mushroom
- Location: Unknown
Hayami, Gyoshu. Japanese. 1894-1935
- Medium: size: 21 x 17.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: Shiitake (Lentinus edodes)
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Color illustration in Christie’s, April 22, 1992
Hem, Louise de. Belgian. 1866-1922
Still Life with Mushrooms (Nature morte aux champignons)
- Location: Mus?e de Beaux-Artes, Lille, France
- Reference: Joconde website
Hodgkin, Eliot. British. 1905-1987
[a] Aubergines (egg plant), Peppers and Mushrooms
- Mushroom description: Two Agaricus bisporus
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
[b] Funghi No. 1
- Mushroom description: Collection of Boletus edulis
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
[c] Still Life with Eggs, Tomatoes and Mushrooms. ca. 1929
- Medium: size: 64x 53 cm.
- Mushroom description: Six caps of Agaricus (probably bisporus)
- Location: Private collection
- Reference: Bridgeman Art Library
Hofer, Carl. German. Karlsruhe 1878/79-Berlin, 1955
Mushrooms Still Life (Pilzstilleben) ca. 1920
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 32.7 x 43.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Boletus edulis
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Lempertz Auktion 639. juin 1989 (col. illustr. no.301)
Hook, James C. British. 1819-1907
The Mushroom Gatherers
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 18.6 x 24.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: Indistinct mushrooms in a basket. Marine scene.
- Location: Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums Fine Art Collection
- Web:
Hopkins, Gerard Manley. British Poet. London 1844-Dublin 1889
The Hare and the Tortoise (Le li?vre et la tortue)
- Medium: Pencil drawing
- Mushroom description: Several mushroomns in the foreground
- Location: Private collection of Mr. Lionel Handley-Derry
- Reference: Pen As Pencil: Drawings and Paintings by British Authors. Europalia 73 – Great Britain. (black and white illustration. No. 37B) Exhibition arranged by the National Book League in co-operation with the British Council. Catalogue of an exhibition held at Internationaal Cultureel Centrum (Antwerp), 6 Oct. – 4 Nov. 1974, Biblioth?que Royale, Brussels.
Hornel, Edward A. Scottish. Born in Australia. 1864-1933.
[a] Girls Gathering Mushrooms. 1904
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 46.3 x 60.3 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two girls gathering somewhat indistinct mushrooms, probably Agaricus campestris
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Art Prints on Demand
[b] Gathering Mushrooms
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 50 x 60 cm.
- Mushrooms description: Three girls looking for mushrooms in a bramble bush
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Bridgeman Art Library
Hosmer, Harriet G. American. 1830-1908
Puck. ca. 1856
- Medium: Marble sculpture; size: 31 inches high
- Mushroom description: Puck sitting on a stylized mushroom with several “baby” mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Note: This was Hosmer’s most popular piece. Hosmer produced several copies of this model and its financial success allowed Hosmer to pursue sculpture as a career.
Hughes, Arthur. British. London 1832-1915
Ophelia. 1852
- Medium: Oils on canvas, arched top; size: 68.7 x 123.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: Lacrymaria velutina
- Location: Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester, England
- Reference: 1. Postcard, printed in Great Britain by Henry Stone & Son (Printers) Ltd., Banbury. 2. Postcard, printed in Great Britain by Herbert Walker & Son (Printers) Ltd., Shipley, West Yorkshire.
- Note: Both postcards in Thoen’s collection
Humblot, Robert. French. Fontenay-sous-Bois 1907-Paris 1962
[a] Still Life with Thrush (Nature morte ? la grive)
- Mushroom description: Agaricus bisporus (Champignon de Paris)
- Location: Unknown
[b] Coulemelles et girolles
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 46.5 x 63.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Macrolepiota procera, Cantharellus cibarius
- Location: City Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, England
[c] Amanitas and Satan’s Bolete (Amanites et Bolets Satan). 1944
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 73 x 92 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Amanita caesarea and Boletus satanus
- Location: Unknown
- Web: Robert Humblot
Hunt, William Holman. British. London 1827-1910
Two Gentlemen of Verona (Deux gentilshommes de V?rone)
- Medium: Oils
- Mushroom description: Gilled mushrooms in the right corner, below
- Location: City Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, England
- Reference: La peinture anglaise-XVIIIe et XIXe si?cles. Palais du Louvre. 1938.
Janin, Jean. French. 1898-1970
Mushroom Still Life (Nature morte aux champignons)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 46 x 38 cm.
- Mushroom description: A Cantharellus in foreground; basket with brown mushrooms (boletes?)
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: TAJAN, Paris, 15 dec. 2005, Espace Tajan. Tableaux et dessins des XIX et XX?me si?cles. (col. illustr. no. 119)
Jespers, Floris. Belgian. Borgerhout 1889-Antwerpen 1965
Still Life with a Stool and Mushrooms (Nature morte ? la chaise et aux champignons) 1944
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 80 x 60 cm.
- Mushroom description: Brown mushrooms, agarics or boletus ?
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Anonyme 1999. CAMPO no. 34, Antwerpen. (col. illustr. no. 395)
Kahlo, Frida. Mexican. Coyacan 1907- Coyacan 1954
[a] Fruits of the Earth (Frutos de la tierra) 1938
- Medium: Oils on masonite
- Mushroom description: Several mushrooms in a basket of fruit (Lactarius, Boletus, Ramaria, others)
- Location: Collection of Banco Nacional, Mexico City
- Reference: Ebert-Schifferer. Geschichte des Stillebens. Munich. 1998.
[b] Still Life. 1947
- Medium: Oils on copper; size: 62 cm. diameter
- Mushroom description: Craterellus tubaeformis, piece of upside down agaric cap, Ramaria
- Location: Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City
Kamzolkin, Evgenie Ivanovich, 1885-1957 (Russian)
Retired General Collecting Mushrooms
- Medium: Oil on canvas
- Mushroom description: Stylized gentleman carrying two baskets of indistinct mushrooms
- Location: unknown
Kat, Anne-Pierre de. Naturalized Belgian in 1920. Born in Delft. Holland, 1881-Brussels, 1968
[a] Mushrooms (Champignons) 1930
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 32.5 x 40 cm.
- Mushroom description: Agarics in a basket
- Location: Mus?es royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. D?partement d’Art Moderne
- Reference: Mus?es Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Catalogue inventaire de la peinture moderne. (B/W illustr.)
[b] Adam and Eve. 1923 (?)
- Medium: Oils
- Location: Unknown
Kittelsen, Th. Norwegian. 1857-1914
Our House Troll (Hustrollet vart) 1890
- Mushroom description: Anisomyces odoratus, Trametes versicolor, Tyromyces sp.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Color postcard, Muva Greetings, 1540 Vestby. In Thoen’s collection
- Note: Dried bracket fungi attached to the frame
Klee, Paul. Swiss. M?nchenbuchsee 1879-Muralto-Locarno 1940
Ad marginem. 1930 and 1935-36
- Medium: Watercolors and ink, varnished, on board (Aquarell und Tinte, gefirnisst, auf Karton); size: 43.5 x 33 cm.
- Mushroom description: Stylized mushroom
- Location: Kunstmuseum, Basel
- Reference: 1. Paul Klee. La Septi?me Face du D? Filipacchi, Collection. 1975 (color illustrations). 2. Transparency. 3/ Color postcard (Verlag Offentliche Kunstsammlung, 4010 Basel, Switzerland) in Thoen’s collection.
Kokoschka, Oskar. Austrian. P?chlarn 1885-Villeneuve, Switzerland 1980
Basket with mushrooms
- Medium: Watercolors
- Mushroom description: Several stylized mushrooms
- Location: Galerie Schlichtenmeier, Grafenau, Stuttgart, Germany
- Reference: Exhibition catalog. Galerie Schlichtenmeier. 1996.
- Note: The artist painted several other similar watercolors by the same title
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Kostrzewski, Franciszek, Polish. 1826-1911
Mushroom Picking
- Medium: Illustration to III tome of Pan Tadeusz
- Mushroom description: Group of people, some apparently looking for mushrooms, others sitting or lying down
- Location: Unknown
- Web: Wikimedia Commons
Kruijder, Herman. Dutch. 1881-1935
- Medium: Oils on canvas laid down on board; size: 27 x 23 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Coprinus comatus in various stages of deliquescence
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s Auction. Pictures Watercolours And Drawings. 5 September 2007. Amsterdam (Sale 2760)
Kuindzi, Archip Ivanovitch (Kuinji, Kuindshi). Russian. Mariupol 1841-?St. Petersburg 1910
Birch Grove. 1879
- Mushroom description: Hypholoma sublateritium (blurry) on tree stump
- Location: Tretyakow Gallery, Moscow
- Reference: The Tretyakow Gallery. Moscow. 1983
Latri, Mikhail. Russian. 1875-1942
Mushroom Picking
- Medium: Gouache and watercolor on paper; size: 33 x 25 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two women picking red-capped mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: MacDougall?s auctions. 29 Nov and Friday 30 Nov 2007. Russian Sales
- Web: MacDougall’s Auctions
La Thangue, Henry Herbert. British 1859-1929
The Mushroom Gatherers. 1913
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 101.5 by 76 cm.
- Mushroom description: Not known
- Location: Unknown
- Note: Sotheby’s Auction. Lot sold. Hammer price with buyer’s premium: 356,500 gbp.
Laudy, Jean. Belgian School. Venloo 1877- Woluwe-Saint-Lambert 1956
The Seasons (Les Saisons) 1937
- Medium: Triptych of oils on canvas; size: 175 x 83 cm.
- Mushroom description: red Amanita (muscaria ?) on the left ‘panel’
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Hotel de Vente Vanderkindere. 16-17 mars 1999. (col. illustr. no.123)
Legros, Alphonse. French. Dijon 1837-Watforf 1911
Mushroom Gatherers (Ramasseurs de champignon)
- Medium: Etching; size: 9.8 x 22.2 cm.
- Mushroom description: Unidentifiable
- Location: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Leibl, Wilhelm. German. Cologne 1844- Wurzburg 1900
Death-head Butterfly and Mushrooms on a White Cloth (Totenkopfschmetterling mit Pilz auf weissem Tuch) 1868
- Mushroom description: The mushroom is Russula olivacea, the butterfly is Acherontia atropos
- Location: Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle (Inv. 1003)
LeRoux (no first name) French. 20th century
Horseradishes, Salad, Mushrooms, a Broken Egg, Earthenware Pottery and a Glass Jar on a Table
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 463.3 x 60.3 cm
- Mushroom description: One Agaricus bisporus on table, several in a basket
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie auction, sale 1708, 17 October 2006
Liebermann, Max. German. Berlin 1847-1935
Self Portrait with Kitchen Still Life (Selbsportret mit Kuchenstilleben)
- Mushroom description: Agaricus bisporus between vegetables
- Location: St?dtische Kunstsammlungen, Gelsekirchen, Germany (inventory no. Ib 62/3)
- Reference: Brauner. Max Liebermann. Berlin. 1986.
Logelain, Henri. Belgian. Ixelles (Brussel) 1889-1968
[a] Mushrooms (Champignons)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 43 x 58 cm.
- Mushroom description: Unknown
- Location: Painting acquired by the Belgian State in 1964 under the No. 9517
[b] Still Life with Mushrooms (Nature morte aux champignons)
- Medium: Watercolor on paper; size: 38 x 50 cm.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Marcel Duchateau. Les Fruits de la Terre dans la Peinture Belge (1850-1985).
Lucchesi, Giorgio. Italian. Lucca 1855-1941
Still Life with Fungi (Natura morta con funghi)
- Mushroom description: Group of Boletus edulis and one Amanita caesarea
- Location: Unknown
Lundbye, John Thomas. Danish. Kalundborg 1818-Bedstad 1848
Study of Flowers and a Fungus. 1840
- Medium: Watercolor; size: 27.3 x 19.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: Morchella sp.
- Location: Statens Museum For Kunst, Kobenhavn
- Reference: Postcard (Den Kongelige Kobberstiksamling, Department of Prints and Drawings) in Thoen’s collection.
Lyr, Claude. 1916-1995
The tortured victim (Le supplici?). 1929
- Medium: Etching heightened with watercolor (eau forte rehauss?e d’aquarelle)
- Mushroom description: Three fantasy mushrooms (two Amanita sp.)
- Location: Unknown
Maidanjuk, Osip. Ukrainian, worked in Sweden. 1886- ca. 1965
Mushrooms (Svamp). 1944
- size: 41.5 x 45 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two Agaricus sp., one mature, one in button stage
- Location: Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Stockholm)
- Note: Described by Eva-Lena Bengtsson, Curator, Royal Academy of Fine Arts. (Stockholm)
Makovsky, Konstantin Egorovich. Russian. 1839-1915
La gloriette. 1889
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 63 x 60.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two mushrooms growing on a vertical piece of wood
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: H?tel Drouot, Paris. 15-12-2000 (col. illustr.)
Malacrea, Francesco. Italian. Trieste 1813-1886
Still life with fish. 1859
- Medium: Oils; size: ca. 40 x 60 cm.
- Mushroom description: Four big fish, four fully opened Amanita caesarea, eggplant and lettuce
- Location: Museo Civico Revoltella, Trieste, Italy
Marien, Marcel. 1920-1993
Le deja-vu ou les sursauts de memoire. 1937
- Medium: Collage on cardboard; size: 12.5 x 14.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Man’s head replaced by Amanita caesarea
- Location: Musee Rene Magritte, Jette (Bruxelles)
- Note: Seen by D. Thoen at the museum
Max, Gabriel von. Czech/German. 1840-1915
Girl peeling mushrooms (Pilze schilendes Madchen). 1896
- Medium: Oils
- Location: Lenbach-Haus, Munich
- Note: Seen in 1897 by M. Schaeur. (Not on exhibit in 2000)
Melida, Enrique. Spanish. 1834-1892
Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 32 x 36 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of Boletus edulis
- Location: Mus?e Bonnat, Bayonne, France
- Web:
Merello, Amedeo, Italian. 1890-1979
[a] Still Life with Mushroom (Signed 1924)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 45 x 84 cm.
- Mushroom description: Five Boletus edulis and three Amanita caesarea eggs
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Pandolfini Casa d’Arte
[b] Ovuli
- Mushroom description: A group of five or six Amanita caesarea (?) on a table
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Pandolfini Casa d?Arte
- Note: Merello painted several other paintings with mushrooms.
Metzinger, Jean. French. Nantes 1883-Paris 1956
[a] Still Life of Mushrooms
- Mushroom description: Collection of Agaricus bisporus
- Location: Unknown
[b] Les Champignons No. 1
- Mushroom description: Collection of Agaricus bisporus
- Location: Unknown
Milne, David Brown. Canadian. 1882-1953
Mushrooms on a Block. 1938
- Medium: Watercolor on paper; size: 25.4 x 35.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: abstract mushrooms, undistinguishable
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Richie?s auction
Modersohn-Becker, Paula. German. Dresden 1876-Worpswede 1907
[a] Peasant’s House with Apple Tree and Mushrooms (Bauernkate with Apfelbaum und Pilz)
- Medium: charcoal
- Mushroom description: not available
- Location: Museum Otto Modersohn
- Reference: Murken-Altrogge, Christa. Paula Modersohn-Becker: Leben und Werk. Cologne, Germany: Dumont Buchverlag. 1980.
[b] Blind Women in Forest (Blinde Frauen im Walde) ca. 1900
- Medium: Engraving
- Mushroom description: Several capped mushrooms in forest floor
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Murken-Altrogge, Christa. Paula Modersohn-Becker, Leben und Werk. Cologne, Germany: Dumont Buchverlag. 1980.
Monti, Cesare. Italian. Brescia 1891- Bellano 1959
The mushrooms (I funghi)
- Mushroom description: About eight stylized mushrooms, perhaps both Amanita caesarea and Boletus edulis
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Mortelmans, Frans. Belgian. Anvers 1865-Anvers 1936
Still Life with Mushrooms (Nature morte aux champignons)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 48 x 70 cm.
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria is the main mushroom of this still life
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Anonymous. 1992. 20 Gemeenteprifil POM. Antwerp.
Mossa, Gustav Adolf. French. 1883-1971
Hamadryade. 1904
- Medium: Watercolor and lead pencil on gray board; size: 32 x 25 cm.
- Mushroom description: Figure of a nymph holding a basket with several Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Mossa, Gustav Adolf. L?Oeuvre Symboliste 1903-1918. Catalogue from the Paris-Mus?s, 1992.
Mucha, Alfons. Czech. Ivanike, Moravia 1850 -Prague 1939
Slavia. 1980
- Mushroom description: Brown, stocky, capped mushrooms on the ground
- Location: National Gallery, Prague
- Reference: Herder. Grosse Enzyklopedie der Malerei. Freiburg, Germany. 1978.
Muckley, Louis Fairfax. British. Stourbridge 1862-1926
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: Seven little greyish blue mushrooms and one dark brown mushroom
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s. March/April 1995
Myakovsky, Validimir E. Russian. 1846-1920
Mushoom pickers in Finland
- Medium: Oil on canvas; size: 125.5 x 179 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two people with basket, sitting in distance
- Location: unknown
- Reference: Sotheby auction26 May 2004
Nash, Paul. British. 1889-1946
[a] The Voyage of the Fungus. 1935-36
- Mushroom description: Not known
- Location: Private collection, Edward James Foundation
- Reference: Cansey, Andrew. Introduction to Paul Nash’s Photographs. Documents and Images, Tate Gallery, 1973.
[b] Madamite Moon. 1941
- Medium: Watercolor and chalk; size: 11.5 x 15.5 in.
- Mushroom description: Left mushroom upside down, pink gills, white stipe; infundibuliform mushroom on right
- Location: Private collection of Viscount Eccles
- Reference: Paul Nash. Paintings and Watercolours. Tate Gallery, 1976.
[c] November Moon. 1942
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 76.2 x 50.8 cm.
- Mushroom description: An Agaricus upside down and a Lactarius
- Location: Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, UK
- Reference: Bridgeman Art Library
- Note: G. Ainsworth in the History of Mycology, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1976 edition, mentions: “… the emotive use of agarics by Paul Nash in the twentieth [century].”
Nicholson, William. British. Denham 1872?London 1949
[b] Mushrooms
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 48.2 x 55.9 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of five Agaricus campestris in various stages
- Location: Nottingham City Museums and Galleries, UK
Noter, David de. Belgian. Gent 1825-Brussels 1875
The Young Knitter (La jeune tricoteuse) 1863
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 65 x 53 cm.
- Mushroom description: Blond agarics on a round table with a vase of flowers
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Ventes publiques du Palais des Beaux-Arts. Novembre 1992. (Col. illustration)
Oehme, Ernst Ferdinand. German. Dresden 1797-1855
Castle Hohenstein in the S?chsischen Schweiz (Burg Hohenstein in der S?chsischen Schweiz). 1827
- Medium: Unreported
- Mushroom description: Right corner, three Amanita muscaria at the foot of a deciduous tree
- Location: Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin
- Reference: Transparency, Thoen’s archives
Pamiska, J. Czech.
Baba v Muchomer Kach Barcora. 1904
- Medium: Unreported
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria
- Location: Vychodoceska Galerie, Tchecoslovaquia
- Reference: Robert S. Marks (in litt. 1987)
Pantazis, Periclis. Athens 1849-Brussels 1884
Still Life (Nature morte)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 115 x 93 cm.
- Mushroom description: Agaricus bisporus, grape, lobster, green cool, red cool, cauliflower
- Location: Mus?es Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles
- Reference: Mus?es Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique-Catalogue inventaire de la peinture moderne. Bruxelles, 1984. (B/W illustration)
Peske, Jan Miroslaw. Polish. 1870-1949
Still Life with Pitcher (Nature morte au pichet)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 54.5 x 66 cm.
- Mushroom description: Three Boletus with several vegetables on a table
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Gabrielle Ionesco, Commissaire-Priseur. Neuilly, 11 juin 1991. Tableaux modernes, Ecole proven?ale. (B/W illustration)
Pilaev, Porfiri Egorovich, ca. 1873-1911 (Russian)
The mushroom harvest
- Medium: Oil on canvas
- Mushroom description: Basket of Boletus edulis
- Location: unknown
Pissarro, Camille. French. 1830-1903
Women Gathering Mushrooms
- Medium: Woodcut from Travaux des Champs. Engraved by Lucien Pissarro; published in London, 1893
- Mushroom description: Three women gathering field mushrooms (not seen)
- Location: Private collection
- Web: Bridgeman Art Library
Plastow, Arkadi Alexandrovitch. Russian. 1893-1972
In Summer (Letom) 1953/54
- Medium: Oils
- Mushroom description: Basket with small capped mushrooms, including Lactarius sp.
- Location: Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
- Note: Seen by HK in 1980
Prevert, Jacques. French. 1900-1977
[a] Bearded Mycocephal (Barbu mycoc?phale)
- Medium: Not known
- Mushroom description: Not known
- Location: Biblioth?que Nationale, Paris
- Reference: Images de Jacques Prevert. Le Monde des Grands Mus?es. Novembre-D?cembre 1973. Filipacchi Ed. 1973.
[b] Human Person (Personne humaine)
- Medium: Not known
- Mushroom description: Not known
- Location: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
- Reference: Images de Jacques Prevert. Le Monde des Grands Muses. Novembre-Decembre 1973. Filipacchi Ed. 1973.
[c] Awaked Dreamers (Les Reveuses ?veill?es)
- Medium: Not known
- Mushroom description: ??
- Location: Biblioth?que Nationale, Paris
- Reference: Images de Jacques Prevert. Le Monde des Grands Mus?es. Novembre-D?cembre 1973. Filipacchi Ed. 1973.
Redpath, Anne. British. Galashiels 1895-Edinburgh 1965
[a] Mushrooms and Aubergines
- Medium: Not known
- Mushroom description: Eight cut caps, Agaricus bisporus
- Location: Unknown
[b] Green Bananas
- Medium: Watercolors; size: 54 x 61 cm.
- Mushroom description: Bowl of fruit; one Agaricus bisporus
- Location: Unknown
- Web: Bridgeman Art Library
Reinhart, Wilhelm. German. 1815-1881
Deer in a Park
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 48.5 x 64 cm.
- Mushroom description: Left corner, three mushrooms at the foot of a stump
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Sotheby?s 14 may 1997: 19th Century Paintings and Sculpture
Ribot, Theodule. French. Saint-Nicolas-d'Attez 1823-Colombes 1891
A Still Life. ca. 1865
- Medium: Oils
- Mushroom description: Agaricus bisporus next to vegetables, chicken, bottle
- Location: Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
- Reference: Genthon. Die grosse Zeit der neuen franz?sische Malereien. Budapest. 1964, 1975.
Richter, Adrian Ludwig. German. Dresden, 1803-1884
Forest Springs near Ariccia (Walbrunnen bei Ariccia). 1831
- Medium: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Amanita ?
- Location: Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin
Rist, Luigi. American. 1888-1959
Fish and Mushrooms
- Medium: Color woodcut; size: 23 x 33 cm.
- Mushroom description: Brown stylized mushrooms, one gilled, one probably a bolete
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Swann Galleries auction March 6, 2007
Riviere, British. (Victorian painter) London 1840-1920
In Manus Tuas Domine (Into thy hands O Lord). 1879
- Medium: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Sarcoscypha coccinea s.l., Hypholoma fasciculare, Coprinus cf. disseminatus, Suillus elegans
- Location: City Art Galleries, Manchester
- Reference: Seen at the City Art Galleries by D. Thoen
Rolin, Viktor. Polish. Warsaw 1887-Manthausen 1942
Natureza morta – aves penduradas e cogumelos. 1939
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 60.5 cm x 45.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Boletus edulis, Leccinum sect. scabra, Cantharellus cibarius, bolete with yellow tubes
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Cabral Moncada Leiloes. dec. 2002.
Rose-Grabow, Martha. German. 1860-?
- Mushrooms in Forest Floor (Pilze an Waldboden)
- Mushroom description: Russulas, chanterelles, red bolete, others
- Location: Unknown
Saint Phalle, Niki de. French. Neuilly-sur-Seine 1930-2002
Title unknown
- Medium: Sculpture with mushrooms
- Mushroom description: Stylized mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Beaux Arts no. 115, 1993
Salietti, Alberto. Italian. Ravenna 1892-Chiavari 1961
[a] Forest Mushrooms (Funghi di bosco)
- Mushroom description: Freshly picked Boletus edulis
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
[b] Still life with porcini mushrooms (Natura morta con funghi porcini)
- Mushroom description: Boletus edulis on and by a plate
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Schlesinger, Felix. German. Hamburg 1833-1910
The Mushroom Gatherers
- Mushroom description: Boy holding a basket of unidentified mushrooms, probably Boletus edulis
- Location: Unknown
Schr?dl, Anton. Austrian. 1820-1906
Still Life With Pumpkin, Apples and Mushrooms
- Medium: Oil on canvas; size: 50 x 81.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two boletes, probably Boletus edulis, on left
- Location: unknown
- Reference: Dorotheum Auction Oct. 9, 2010
Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl. German. Rottluf 1894-Berlin 1976
[a] Tree Mushrooms (Baumsch?mme) 1943
- Medium: Watercolor and ink
- Mushroom description: Geophyllum sepiarium
- Location: Karl and Emy Schmidt-Rottluff Stifftung, Berlin
[b] Still Life with Mushrooms
- Mushroom description: Stylized boletes
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Schnake, Henry. American. 1892-1970
Little Mushrooms. 1949
- Medium: Watercolors; size: 30.1 x 25.5 cm (sheet)
- Mushroom description: Group of Mycena on a piece of wood
- Location: Unknown
Scholderer, Otto. German. 1834-1902
Still Life with Blue Vase and Mushrooms (Stilleben mit blauer Vase un Pilzen) 1890-92
- Mushroom description: Brown forms of Agaricus bisporus
- Location: St?delsches Kunstinsitut, Frankfurt
- Reference: Stadel Kunstinstitut postcard
Segantini, Giovanni. Italian. Arco 1858-Schafberg, Switz. 1899
[a] Funghi (Still Life) 1886
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: Basket of boletes
- Location: Museum Segantini, St. Moritz, Switzerland
- Web:
[b] Frying Pan, Cock and Mushroom (Pfanne, Hahn und Pilze) 1880
- Medium: Not available
- Mushroom description: Not available
- Location: Private collection
- Reference: Robert S. Marks (in letteris 1987)
Serusier, Paul. French. Paris 1864- Morlaix 1927
[a] The Dashed off Head-dress (La Coiffe enlev?e) 1891
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 71 x 59 cm.
- Mushroom description: Gomphidius glutinosus at the foot of a conifer
- Location: Josefowitz Collection
- Reference: Boyle-Turnder, Edita S.A. Paul Serurier, Peintre de la Bretagne. Lausanne. 1988.
[b] The Torrent (Le Torrent)
- Description: Folding screen of 4 panels
- Medium: Not known
- Mushroom description: Two panels with Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
Shibata, Zeshin. Japanese. 1807-1891
Deer and Bat
- Medium: Not known
- Mushroom description: Ganoderma lucidum s.l.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Stern, Harold P. Birds, Beasts, Blossoms and Bugs – The Nature of Japan. Harry, N. Abrams, Inc. Publ. New York: 1976.
Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovitch (Schischkin, Chichkine). Russian. 1832-1898
[a] A Walk in the Forest. 1869
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Location: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
- Mushroom description: Polypores on dead birch trunk
- Web:
[b] Gathering Mushrooms. 1870
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Location: The Russian Museum. St. Petersburg, Russia
- Note: Four women and a boy with baskets on clearing by a stream. No mushrooms visible
- Web: Olga’s Gallery
[c] Wind-Fallen Trees (The Woods near Vologda). 1888
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: Group of capped mushrooms on forest floor
- Location: The Museum of Russian Art. Kiev, Ukraine
- Web:
[d] Tree Foliage (Baumschlag). 1867
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria in the forest
- Location: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
- Reference: Russian Painting. Aurora Publ. St. Petersburg.
[e] Fly Agaric. (Study) 1878-79
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria
- Location: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
- Reference: Schuvalova. I. Shishkin (Great Painters Series). Leningrad. 1983.
[f] Cleared Forest. After 1880
- Mushroom description: Polypores on a tree trunk
- Location: St. Petersburg Russian Museum
- Reference: Schuvalova. I. Shishkin (Great Painters Series). Leningrad 1983.
[g] Decayed Tree Trunk Overgrown with Moss. (Study) 1890
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Mushroom description: Cap mushrooms on fallen tree trunk
- Location: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
- Reference: Schuvalova, I. Shishkin (Great Painters Series). Leningrad. 1983.
Solomatkin, Leonid. Russian. 1837-1883
The Mushroom Gatherers. 1873
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 17 3/4 x 13 3/4 in.
- Mushroom description: Couple on a wooded path. Man with basket full of boletes (possibly); woman holding a mushroom.
- Location: Sold to Unknown buyer by the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin. Spanish. Valencia 1863-Cercedilla 1923
The Beach of Valencia / Playa de Valencia (Sol de Tarde), 1908
- Medium: Oils; size: 103.5 x 148 cm
- Mushroom description: baskets of fish; probably a mushroom (Agaricus ?) in one of them
- Location: Private collection
- Reference: Sotheby’s Preview, June/July 1990.
Spanyi, Bela Adalbert. Hungarian. 1852-1914
Collecting Mushrooms in a Wood
- Mushroom description: Mushrooms not visible
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Stella, Joseph. American. 1880-1946
- Medium: Collage of newsprint on blue woven paper; size: 23.2 x 15.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of four capped mushrooms, perhaps amanitas
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Swann Auction
Stokes, Marianne. Austrian. Graz 1855-London 1927
Snow White (Blanche Neige)
- Medium: Mix technique on paper
- Mushroom description: Two mushrooms with brown cap, ochraceous stipe and white gills
- Location: Walraf-Richartz Museum
Sutherland, Jane. American born, lived in Australia. 1853-1928
The Mushroom Gatherers. ca. 1895
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 41.3 x 99.0 cm.
- Note: Two women in a field, one with a basket, the other apparently with mushrooms in apron. The mushrooms are not visible.
- Location: National Gallery of Victoria, Australia
- Web: In the Artist’s Footsteps
Svabinsky, Max. Czech. Kromeriz (Moravia)
A Poor Country. 1900
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 17.9 x 24.6 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two brick red mushrooms (Russula ?)
- Location: The National Gallery, Prague
- Web: The Imaginary Web Museum
Sychov, Fedor V. Russian. 1879-1958
The Happy Mushroom Gatherers
- Medium: Oil on canvas, 81.5 x 99 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of six people crossing two logs across a stream, carrying baskets full of mushrooms (smiling)
- Reference: Sotheby auction 21 May, 2003
Teresczuk, Peter. Austrian
A Girl with Mushrooms. ca. 1900
- Medium: Bronze with ivory head; size: height: 17.5 cm.
- Mushrooms description: A girl holding a basket with indistinct mushrooms
- Location: Unknown
- Reference:
Terlikowski, Vladimir de. Polish. 1873-1951
The Basket of Boletus (Le panier de bolets). 1915
- Medium: Oils on canvas
- Location: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Probably Xerocomus badius
- Reference: Drouot Richelieu Auction House 11-10-2000
Thorburn, Archibald. British. Dumfries 1860-1935
[a] A Hedgehog. 1928
- Medium: Watercolor; size: 8 3/8 x 6 3/8 in.
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria in the background
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s. 18 July 1989
[b] A Stag Beetle on a Toadstool. 1928
- Medium: Watercolor; size: 8 3/8 x 6 3/8 in.
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s. 18 July 1989
[c] A Cock and Hen Pheasant
- Medium: Watercolor; size: 14 3/4 x 22 3/4 in.
- Mushroom description: Two Amanita muscaria in the right corner foreground
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Christie’s. 18 July 1989
Thurn und Taxis, Margarete von. German. 1870-1955
- Medium: Watercolor. ca. 1900
- Mushroom description: Amanita muscaria and other mushrooms
- Location: Schlossmuseum Thurn und Taxis, Regensburg, Germany
- Note: Seen by A. Breinsky
Thurner, Gabriel. French. 1840-1907
Still life of mushrooms (Champignons, Nature Morte)
- Location: Mus?e des beaux-arts, Rouen, France
- Reference: Joconde website
- Web: Joconde
Torneman, Axel. Swedish. 1880-1925
King of Trolls and a Princess (Trollkungen och princessan; Le Roi des Troll et une Princesse). ca. 1905
- Medium: Oil on canvas
- size: 170 x 136 cm.
- Mushroom description: Amanitas in foreground
- Reference: Beijers Auktioner. Katalog nr 51. 1991
Tosi, Arturo. Italian. 1871-1956
Still life
- Mushroom description: Group of boletes, perhaps Boletus pinophilus
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Scala website
Toyen. Czech. Prague 1902-Paris 1980
At the ‘La Coste’ Castle (Au Ch?teau La Coste). 1946
- size: 100 x 165 cm.
- Location: Private collection, Paris
- Mushroom description: Hypholoma, Pleurotus
- Reference: “Toyen.” Filipacchi ?d. 1974.
- Note: Toyen, who rejected her name and chose to pursue her career as an artist under an assumed name, was the leading Czech surrealist and one of the many women who played important roles in the International Surrealist movement. A feminist before the name (and in Czech, her assumed name, does not have a gender), she rejected any suggestion that she play a woman’s role and endorsed the anarchist movement.
Turletti, Celestino. Italian. 1845-1902
Little Mushroom Vendor (Piccolo venditore di funghi)
- Mushroom description: Boy with basket by the door of a house
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Tutundjian, Leon-Arthur. French. 1906-1968
Surrealist Mushroom Composition (Composition surrealiste aux champignons)
- Medium: ? ; size: 38 x 61 cm.
- Mushroom description: Ramaria cf. botrytis (realistic), green caped mushrooms in a box (surrealistic)
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Vastagh, Gyorgy. Hungarian. 1834-1922
Mushroom Huntress from Siebenburg (Siebenburgische Schommesucherin)
- Medium: Oils. Also a wood carving by H. A. Emil Ostade.
- Mushroom description: Woman with two baskets full of mushrooms and mushrooms with caps on the ground
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Print in H. Kreisel’s collection
Vaes, Walter. Belgian. Borgerhout-Anvers 1882-Anvers 1958
[a] Boletus (Bolets)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 50 x 61 cm.
- Mushroom description: Bolete on a plate
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Mus?es royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Catalogue inventaire de la peinture moderne. Bruxelles 1984. (Inv. 4913)
[b] Mushrooms (Champignons)
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 26 x 35 cm.
- Mushroom description: Agarics
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: L’Art et la Banque. Paribas. (Inv. 250)
Verburgh, Medard. Belgian. Tielt 1886-Lannoo 1957
Woman and Mushrooms (Femme et champignons)
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 100 x 100 cm.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Du Realisme ? l’Expressionisme dans l’Art Belge. Collection du Credit Communal.
Voroes, Geza. Hungarian. 1897-1957
Still Life with Seafood and Mushrooms
- Mushroom description: Four Agaricus cf. campestris
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
Walker, Frederick. British. 1840-1875
The Mushroom Gatherer
- Mushroom description: Not available
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Cited in The Victorian Web
Wandscheer, Marie. Dutch. 1856-1936
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 31 x 41 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of about six Amanita muscaria and several tan mushrooms, perhaps Lactarii
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Sotheby’s auction, am0897: amsterdam: session 1: mon, 29 sep 03
- Web: Wikipedia
Waterhouse, John William. British. 1840-1917
Echo and Narcissus. 1903
- Medium: Painting
- Mushroom description: Mushrooms under a tree trunk
- Location: Winkler Art Gallery, Liverpool
- Note: Illustrated postcard seen by B. Oberwinkler
Williams, Julia. British. 19th century
A Summer Mixture
- Medium: watercolors; size: 27.5 x 21.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Flowers (Adonis, Corylus, Salix, Viola, Vinca, Fritillaria, Bellis,…), apple and four ascocarps of Sarcoscypha sp.
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Seen in Bonhams Catalog. The Flower and Garden Sale. Wednesday 22 may 2002, Chelsea, London.
Wolvens, Henri-Victor. Belgian. Brussels 1896-Brugge, 1977
Still Life (Stilleven). 1934
- Medium: Oils; size: 130 x 170 cm.
- Mushroom description: Agaricus bisporus on a table among a lot of vegetables
- Location: Unknown
Wood, Grant. American. Amamosa, Iowa. 1891-1942
Wildflowers, Polypore. 1938
- Medium: Not available
- Mushroom description: Polypore
- Location: Private collection, USA
Wouters, Rik. Belgian. 1882-1916
[a] Still Life with Mushrooms and Flowers (Stilleven met paddenstoelen en bloemen)
- Medium: Not available
- Mushroom description: Stylized mushrooms in a pile
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Last seen on Gabrius website
[b] The Mushrooms (Les champignons). 1912
- Mushroom description: Boletus
- Location: Private collection of L. Franck, London
- Reference: 1. Cercle Artistique et Litt?raire – Bruxelles. Exposition Jubillaire 1847 – 1922. Catalogue. Painting no. 239. 2. L’Art Vivant en Belgique, 3? Ann?e. No. 67. Octobre 1927.
Wright, Ferdinand Von. Finnish. 1822-1906
Fight of the Capercaillies (Combat du grand coq de bruyére). 1886
- Medium: Oils on canvas; size: 124 x 188.5 cm
- Mushroom description: Three Fomes fomentarius on a dead Betula tree
- Location: Finnish National Gallery
- Web: Wikimedia
Wusten, Johannes. German. 1896-1943
[a] Rübezahl (a figure in German mythology). 1931
- Medium: Print
- Mushroom description: Phallus impudicus, Amanita muscaria, polypores
- Location: Unknown
[b] Mushrooms II (Pilze II). 1931
- Medium: Not available
- Mushroom description: Phallus impudicus
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Insel-Bucherei, No. 979. Leipzig. 1973
[c] Summertime II (Sommerzeit II)
- Medium: Watercolor
- Mushroom description: Clump of cap mushrooms in foreground
- Location: Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig
Wydeveld, Arnoud. American. 1823-1888
Fruit with Mushrooms Growing
- Medium: Oils on panel; size: 22.3 by 28 cm.
- Mushrooms description: Two somewhat indistinct wide-capped mushrooms in background
- Location: Unknown
- Reference: Sothebys Lot Sold. Hammer Price with Buyer’s Premium: 6,600 USD
Zatzka, Hans (also known as P. Ronsard) Austrian. Vienna 1859-1949
[a] King Boletes (Herrenpilze)
- Medium: Not available; size: 32.5 x 44 cm.
- Mushroom description: Group of 4-5 Boletus edulis
- Location: Unknown
[b] Still Life with Mushrooms
- Medium: Oils; size: 27 x 39 cm.
- Mushroom description: Boletus edulis, Cantharellus cibarius…in a mountain landscape
- Location: Unknown
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