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Tips and Disclaimers — Please Note

Mushroom Identification

Identifying mushrooms on a canvas is not the same as holding a specimen in one’s hand. Often, the appearance of the mushroom permits to make a reasonable identification. However, in many other cases, the information provided by the picture is insufficient. We have labeled as “Tentative Identification” those that we cannot be sure about. The designation “cf.” indicates that the specimen compares to the species mentioned. Thus, Agaricus cf. bisporus means that the specimen is close to A. bisporus.

Attribution of the Paintings

Some of the paintings in the registry can only be tentatively attributed to the artist. In some cases, the work was done by apprentices or by other artists painting “In the manner of.” This point is not made consistently in the registry. Users of the registry should be wary of the precision of attributions and may wish to further research individual entries.

Attribution to Historical Period

Some of the items in the registry may straddle two periods. If in doubt, please look for items in the adjacent periods.

Internet Links in Registry

Websites have different degrees of permanence and accessibility. We cannot be responsible for their disappearance and counsel patience. The ability to enter certain websites may change from day to day. We recommend using search engines such as Google and Google Images, which may prove quite successful.

Other websites useful for “mushroom hunting” in the Internet are:

A website on mushrooms in every day objects can be found at:

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