Works Attributed to Pseudo Fardella (Painter of Carlo Torre)
Pseudo Fardella or Painter of Carlo Torre are the names given to an unidentified Italian artist whose works had been previously assigned to Fardella di Calvello or Giuseppe Fardella. He was active in the second half of the 17th century. Many of his works are in deposit in the Florence’s Gallerie Statali or in private hands. The artist is the subject of a book, Le Nature Morte del “Pittore di Carlo Torre” Pseudo Fardella by Cirillo,. G and Godi. G. 1996. Parma, Italy: PPS editrice (NMPCT). Of the 103 paintings in the book, 52 (50.4%) depict mushrooms.
The illustration numbers correspond to those of the figures in the book.
Total number of paintings: 52
List of Paintings
Figs, mushrooms, almonds, peaches, and plums. (Fichi, funghi, mandorle, pesche e prugne)
- Medium: Rectangle, 48 x 62 cm.
- Location: Parma, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of three to four Boletus edulis in right foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 2
Lettuce, apple, little pear?, and mushrooms (Insalata, mela, peretta e funghi)
- Medium: Rectangle, 33.2 x 57.5 cm.
- Location: Sold by Sotheby’s, Milan
- Mushroom description: Group of three to four Boletus edulis prominently in right center, somewhat stylized
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 4
- Reference: Sotheby’s 1994 catalogue (under Pseudo Fardella)
Artichokes, little pears?, mushrooms. Apples, bunch of asparagus, and cherries (Carciofi, perette, funghi, mele, mazzo di asparagi e ciliege)
- Medium: Circle, 73 cm.
- Location: Florence, Gallerie statali (depositi) (No. 6550)
- Mushroom description: Group of four to five Amanita caesarea in right middle ground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 5
Peaches, apples, mushrooms, fig, pears, cherries, and apricots (Pesche, mele, funghi, fico, pere, ciliege e albacocche)
- Medium: Circle, 73 cm.
- Location: Florence, Gallerie statali (depositi) (No. 6549)
- Mushroom description: Group of some eight Boletus edulis in middle background
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 6
Figs, mushrooms, pears, apples, and plums (Fichi, funghi, pere, mele e prugne)
- Medium: Circle, 73 cm.
- Location: Florence, Gallerie statali (depositi) (No. 6551)
- Mushroom description: Group of four to five Amanita caesarea in middle background
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 7
Pomegranates, plums, little pears?, almonds, and mushrooms (Melagrane, prugne, perette, mandorle e funghi)
- Medium: Circle, diameter 73 cm.
- Location: Florence, Gallerie statali (depositi) (No. 6546)
- Mushroom description: Group of five Amanita caesarea in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 8
Parrot, chestnuts, mushrooms, pears, and plums (Pappagallo, castagne, funghi, pere e prugne)
- Medium: Circle, 73 cm.
- Location: Florence, Gallerie statali (depositi) (No. 7595)
- Mushroom description: Group of some six Boletus edulis in right middle
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 9
Pears, lettuce, cherries, mushrooms, and strawberries (Pere, insalata, ciliege, funghi e fragole)
- Medium: Oval
- Location: Florence, Gallerie statali (depositi) (No. 7580)
- Mushroom description: About 12 Boletus edulis in lower half
- Illustration number: NMPCT No 12
Pigeons, almonds, mushrooms, and small pears (Piccioni, mandorle, funghi e perette)
- Medium: Oval, oil on canvas, oval, 74.5 x 67 cm.
- Location: Florence, Gallerie statali (depositi) (No. 7578)
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. five Amanita caesarea in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 17, NMI
Figs, cherries, mushrooms, apricots, apple, pear, and nut (Fichi, ciliege, funghi, albacocche, mele, pera e noce)
- Medium: Oval
- Location: Previously in Piacenza, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. six Boletus edulis in left middle ground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 19
Chestnuts, artichokes, pomegranates, figs, lettuce, squash, medlars, mushrooms, apricots, apples, and plums (Castagne, carciofi, melagrane, fichi, insalata, zucca, nespole, funghi, albicocche, mele e prugne)
- Medium: Rectangle
- Location: Previously in Piacenza, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. six Boletus edulis in left middle ground.
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 21
Mushrooms, grapes, corn cob, quince, pomegranates, medlars, pears, and almonds (Funghi, uva, pannochia, mele cotogne, melagrane, nespole, pere e mandorle)
- Medium: Rectangle, oil on canvas, 78 x 128 cm.
- Location: Milan, private collection. Mushroom description: Group of four to five boletes (perhaps B. edulis) in upper left background. Illustration number: NMPCT No. 23, NMI
Mushrooms, chestnuts, figs, peaches, quince, apricots, and apples (Funghi, castagne, fichi, pesche, mele cotogne, albicocche e mele)
- Medium: Rectangle, oil on canvas, 92 x 132 cm.
- Location: Previously, Milan, Manzoni
- Mushroom description: Group of five to six Amanita caesarea in upper left background
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 24
Mushrooms, medlars, melon, cherries, drapery, pomegranates, and corn cob (Funghi, nespole, melone, ciliege, panneggio, pere, castagne, mele, prugne, melagrane e pannocchia)
- Medium: Rectangle, 73 x 161 cm.
- Location: Rome, Massimo Megna
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. seven Amanita caesarea in left background
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 26
Apricots, grapes, melons, pear, prunes, plate, almonds, cherries, peaches, mushrooms, and pomegranates (Albacocche, uve, meloni, pere, prugne, piatto, mandorle, ciliege, pesce, funghi e melagrane)
- Medium: Rectangle, 106.5 x 153 cm.
- Location: Parma, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. seven Amanita caesarea in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 27
Basket with cherries, lettuce and grapes, pears, mushrooms, figs, asparagus, and almonds (Cestone con ciliege, insalata e uva, pere, funghi, fichi, asparagi e mandorle)
- Medium: Rectangle, oil on canvas, 73 x 97 cm.
- Location: Florence, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. seven Amanita caesarea in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 30, NMI
Basket with cherries, chestnuts, mushrooms, plums, pomegranates, corn cob, medlars, birds, quince, and almonds (Cestone con ciliege, castagne, funghi, prugne, anatra, melagrane, pannochia, nespole, uccellati, mele cotogne e mandorle)
- Medium: Rectangle, 98 x 123 cm.
- Location: Florence, private collection
- Mushroom description: One Amanita caesarea in middle left
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 31
Basket with cherries, chestnuts, mushrooms, flowers, plums, pomegranates, almonds, asparagus, peaches, apricots, and cherries (Cestone con ciliege, castagne, funghi, fiori, prugne, melagrane, mandorle, asparagi, pesce, albicocche e ciliege)
- Medium: Rectangle, 92 x 117.5 cm.
- Location: Paris, Rivet collection
- Mushroom description: Group of eight to ten boletes (perhaps B. edulis) in middle left
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 32
Basket with cherries, plums and lettuce, apples, plate, mushrooms, peaches, and apricots (Cestone con ciliege, prugne e insalata, mele, piatto, funghi, pesce, insalata e albicocche)
- Medium: Rectangle, 74 x 94 cm.
- Location: Milan, Domenico Piva
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. seven Amanita caesarea in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 33
Pears, peaches, melons, mushrooms, and almonds (Pere, pesce, meloni, funghi e mandorle)
- Medium: Rectangle, 74 x 94 cm.
- Location: Milan, Domenico Piva
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. seven Amanita caesarea, three to four russulas in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 34
Basket with grapes, peaches, hazelnuts, medlars, mushrooms, and apples (Cestone con uve, pesce, nocciole, nespole, funghi e mele)
- Medium: Rectangle
- Location: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Group of two to three Amanita caesarea in right foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 35
Game fowl, mushroom, grapes, apricots, almonds, and peaches. (Uccellagione, fungo, uve, albococche, mandorle e pesche)
- Medium: Rectangle, 84 x 61.5 cm.
- Location: Milan, Le Quinte di via Dell’Orso
- Mushroom description: Single Amanita caesarea in middle left
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 36
Melon, apricots, small basket with grapes, artichokes, bunch of asparagus, mushrooms, medlars, plums, and quince (Melone, albicocche, cestello con uva, carciofi, mazzo di asparagi, mele, funghi, nespole, prugne e mele cotogno)
- Medium: Rectangle, oil on canvas, 38 x 55 cm.
- Location: Milan, Le Quinte di via Dell’Orso
- Mushroom description: One or two Amanita caesarea and annulate gray-purple gilled mushroom (amanita-like) in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 37
- Note: On the web, Piva & C srl. Antiques, Painting and Works of Art. Milan, Italy.
Mushrooms, vase with roses, squash, apples, cauliflower, lobster, copper colander, drapery, nuts, peaches, mushrooms, and figs (Funghi, albarello con rose, zucche, mele, cavalfiore, aragosta, colino di rame, panneggio, noci, pesce, funghi e fichi)
- Medium: Rectangle, 98 x 127 cm.
- Location: Previously in Bergamo, Giuorgio Scaccabarozzi
- Mushroom description: Three Amanita caesarea in left background, two small ones in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 38
Beets, artichokes, basin with mushrooms, smoked herring, fish, jug with plate of ham [pancetta], drapery, nuts, apples, and citron (Bietole, carciofi, bacile con funghi, aringhe affumicate, pesci, cesto, brocca con piatto e pancetta, panneggio, noci e cedri) 1662
- Medium: Rectangle, 117 x 151 cm.
- Location: Milan, Collezione Eredi Orombelli
- Mushroom description: About 10 Amanita caesarea and B. edulis in basin in right background
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 62
Celery, apple, artichokes, mushrooms, fish, boxes of marmalade, and jug (Sedano, mele, carciofi, funghi, pesci, scatolette di marmellata e brocca)
- Medium: Rectangle
- Location: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Two Amanita caesarea ca. six Boletus edulis in left middle
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 64
Box, jug, celery, apples, mushrooms, nuts, asparagus, basket, tangerine, and small fish (Scatola, brocca, mele, funghi, noci, asparagi, cesto, mandarino e pescetti)
- Medium: Rectangle
- Location: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. six morels in middle and ca. six Boletus edulis in right background
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 66
Jug, small boxes, basket with fruit, lettuce and drapery, birds, figs, almonds, citrus fruit, asparagus and mushrooms (Brocca, scatolette, cestone con frutta insalate e panneggio, volatili, fiche, mandorle, agrumi, asparagi e funghi)
- Medium: Rectangle
- Location: Parma, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of four red-capped agarics (probably russulas) in foreground, 7 morels in middle foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 67
Basket, mushrooms, grapes, melons, hemispherical basket, rabbit, bird, figs (Cestone, funghi, uve, meloni, cesto semisferico, lepre, uccello, fichi)
- Medium: Rectangle, 88 x 109 cm.
- Location: Milan, private collection
- Group of six Boletus edulis in left foreground, two unidentified boletes to the left
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 69
Basket with grapes, melon and pomegranate, basket with plums, mushrooms, pears, melon, figs, artichokes, rabbit, and dead birds (Cestone con uva, melone e melagrane, cestello con prugne, funghi, pere, melone, fichi, carciofi, coniglio e uccellati)
- Medium: Rectangle, 104 x 148 cm.
- Location: Previously, Milan, Il Ponte
- Mushroom description: Group of over one dozen Boletus edulis, plus three red russulas, left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 70
Ceramics, melon, basket with grapes, plums, pomegranate, apple, hazelnuts, mushrooms, and pears (Ceramiche, melone, cesto con uva, prugne, pesche, melagrana, mela, nocciole, funghi e pere)
- Medium: Rectangle, 73.5 x 97.5 cm.
- Location: Previously, Milan, Finarte
- Mushroom description: Group of six gilled mushrooms, brown rounded caps, non-annulate, bulbous base of stem, middle foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 71
Citrus fruits, artichokes, basket with cherries, precious plate with crawfish, almonds, and small pears (Agrumi, carciofi, cestello con ciliege, funghi, piatto prezioso con gamberi, mandorle e perette)
- Medium: Rectangle, 73.5 x 97.5 cm.
- Location: Previously, Milan, Finarte
- Mushroom description: Group of five morels in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 72
Peaches on drapery, grapes, mushrooms (Pesche su panneggio, uve e funghi)
- Medium: Rectangle, 57 x 75 cm.
- Location: Reggio Emilia, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. 6 Boletus edulis in right foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 73
Pot with small pears?, apricots and plums, pears, mushrooms, and melon (Pignatta con perette albicocche e prugne, pere, funghi e melone)
- Medium: Rectangle, 57 x 75 cm.
- Location: Reggio Emilia, private collection
- Mushroom description: Four Amanita caeasarea in middle foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 74
Pears, citrus fruit, plate with strawberries, morel mushrooms, and hazelnuts (Pere, agrumi, piatto con fragole, funghi spugnole, e nocciole)
- Medium: Rectangle, 56 x 70 cm.
- Location: Previously, Milan, Finarte
- Mushroom description: Group of five morels in middle foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 75
Basket of cherries, artichoke, citrus fruit, and mushrooms (Cesto di ciliege, carciofo, agrumi e funghi)
- Medium: Rectangle, 42 x 54.5 cm.
- Location: Previously, Milan, Finarte
- Mushroom description: Group of five morels in middle foreground, three Boletus edulis and one Amanita caesarea in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 76
- Note: Pseudo Fardella and collaborator?
Mushrooms, celery and cauliflower in a copper pot, radishes?, artichoke, turnip, and beans (Funghi, sedano e cavalfiore in un secchio di rame, radici, carciofi, rape e fagioli)
- Medium: Rectangle, 54 x 99 cm.
- Location: Previously, Milan, Finarte
- Mushroom description: Group of five Boletus edulis in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 77
Lettuce, strawberries, and mushrooms (Insalata, fragole e funghi)
- Medium: Rectangle, 58 x 43 cm.
- Location: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Group of five Amanita caesarea in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 79
Jug, celery, mushrooms, citrus fruit, and fish (Brocca, sedani, funghi, agrumi e pesci)
- Medium: Rectangle, 98 x 74 cm.
- Location: Unknown
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. eight Boletus edulis in middle
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 80, NMI
Flying pigeon, mushrooms, pears, artichokes, basket of plums?, cherries, asparagus, quince, melon, fish, medlars, and apples (Piccione volante, funghi, pere, carciofi, cesto di prugne?, ciliege, asparagi, mele cotogne, melone, pesca, nespole e mele)
- Medium: Rectangle, 85 x 103 cm.
- Location: Stuttgart, Staatsgallerie
- Mushroom description: Group of ca. six Boletus edulis in left middle ground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 81, NMI
- Reference: Catalog by Mund, G. and von Hohenzollern, J.P. ExhibitionStille Welt– Italienische Stillleben. Kunsthalle der Hypo Kulturstiftung. 2003.
Roots, pot with garlic, celery, citron, apples, herring, artichokes, fish, nuts, asparagus, mushrooms, basket, and marmelade boxes (Radici, bacile con agli, sedano, cedri, mele, aringhe, carciofi, pesci, noci, asparagi, funghi, cesto e scatolette di marmellata)
- Medium: Rectangle, 120 x 170 cm.
- Location: Turin, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of four Amanita caesarea in right foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 82
Apricots, melon, plums, mushrooms, apple, and pears (Albicocche, melone, prugne, funghi, mela e pere)
- Medium: Rectangle, 64.5 x 82 cm.
- Location: Previously Turin, Gilberto Zabert
- Mushroom description: Group of three gilled mushrooms, gray violet cap and stem, stem equal, trace of annulus? (maybe cortinarii), plus one reddish gilled mushroom, striate cap (russula?), in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 84
Melon, pears, grapes, mushrooms, and pomegranate (Melone, pere, uve, funghi e melagrane)
- Medium: Rectangle 60 x 71 cm.
- Location: Previously Milan, Maira Antonia Gianetti
- Group of about 10 Boletus edulis in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 86
Sealed jug, dry figs, small fish, mushrooms, artichokes, basket, nuts, little boxes, and herrings (Brocca sigillata, fichi secchi, pescetti, funghi, carciofi, cesto, noci, scatolette e aringhe) 1671
- Medium: Rectangle 53.3 x 97.1 cm.
- Location: Previously, Christie’s, New York
- Mushroom description: Group of about four Amanita caesarea in center
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 89
Jug, citrus fruit, asparagus, bunch of flowers, artichoke, strawberries, mushrooms, apples, and medlars (Albarello, cedri, asparagi, mazzo di fiori, carciofo, fragole, funghi, mele e nespole)
- Medium: Rectangle, 75 x 96.5 cm.
- Location: Parma, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of seven Amanita caesarea in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 90
- Reference: Sotheby’s catalogue, 1992 (Ecole Italienne du XVIIe siécle)
Mushrooms (Funghi) (Fragment)
- Medium: Rectangle 33.6 x 33.6 cm.
- Location: Previously, Christie’s, New York
- Mushroom description: Group of six Amanita caesarea
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 93
- Reference: Christie’s catalogue, 1987
Mushrooms and artichokes (Funghi e carciofi) (Fragment)
- Medium: Rectangle 33.6 x 33.6 cm.
- Location: Previously, Christie’s, New York
- Mushroom description: Group of about six Boletus edulis (is this a detail?)
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 94
- Reference: Christie’s catalogue, 1987
Plate with apples, mushrooms, artichokes, citrons, snails, and fish (Piatto con mele, funghi, carciofi, cedri, lumache e pesci)
- Medium: Rectangle, 60 x 75 cm.
- Location: Previously, Christie’s, Rome
- Mushroom description: Group of about four Boletus edulis, left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 95
- Reference: Christie’s catalogue, 1986
Basket with cherries and flowers, plums, artichoke, and morel mushrooms (Cestone con ciliege e fiori, pere, prugne, carciofo e funghi spugnole)
- Medium: Octagon, 50 x 75 cm.
- Location: Piacenza, private collection
- Mushroom description: Group of four morels in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 98
Small basket with apricots, melon, pears, plate with strawberries, asparagus, plums, mushrooms, and artichoke (Cestello con albicocche, melone, pere, piatto con funghi, asparagi, prugne, funghi e carciofo)
- Medium: Rectangle, 58 x 73 cm.
- Location: Previously Milan, Manzoni-Finarte
- Mushroom description: Two Boletus edulis in foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 100
Basket with fish, grapes, pomegranate, plums, mushrooms, melon, plate with strawberries, asparagus, artichoke, fish, and citron (Cestone con pesche, uve, melagrane, prugne, funghi, melone, piatto con fragole, asparagi, carciofo, pesci e cedro)
- Medium: Rectangle, 110 x 148 cm.
- Location: Milan, Alberto Subert collection
- Mushroom description: Group of about six Boletus edulis in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 101
Grapes, melon, mushrooms, plums, pears, and pair of dead birds (Uve, melone, funghi, prugne, pere e coppia di uccelli morti)
- Medium: Rectangle, 72 x 137 cm.
- Location: Modena, Paolo Ferrari collection
- Mushroom description: Group of about four Boletus edulis in left foreground
- Illustration number: NMPCT No. 103
Paintings not in NMPTC
[a] (Lower of two paintings)
- Dish of asparagus, lemons, fish, mushrooms and flowers in a bowl (piatto d’asparagi, lemoni, pesci, e funghi e fiori in boccia)
- Medium: Oil; size: 37 x 58 cm.
- Mushroom description: Three or four morels
- Location: unknown
- Reference: Bergé, Pierre & Associés. Auction catalog 26-06-2003. Drouot, Paris. Nr 28 p.27
- Web: Last seen on Gabrius website (listed under Rossi, Angelo Maria, Master of Carlo Torre Pseudo Fardella)
[b] Still life with fruit, mushrooms, artichokes, and a round bas-relief in a landscape (Natura morta di frutta, funghi, carciofi e bassorelievo rotondo in un paesaggio)
- Medium: Oil; size: 83 x 107 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two Amanita caesarea in right rear
- Web: Last seen on Gabrius website (listed under Rossi, Angelo Maria, Master of Carlo Torre Pseudo Fardella)
[c] Melon, Quinces, Pears and Prunes
- Medium: Oil on canvas; size: 47 x 71 cm.
- Mushroom description: Boletes with brown cracked caps
[d] Attributed to Still life of mushrooms, a pomegranate, a rose, a snail and a basket of grapes in a landscape
- Size: 60 x 46.5 cm.
- Mushroom description: Three Amanita caesarea in front center
- Reference: Sotheby’s (London), April 21, 2005
[e] A melon, pears, apples, mushrooms, plums and cherries on a forest floor
- Medium: Oil on canvas; size: 47 x 71.1 cm.
- Mushroom description: Two specimens of probably a Leccinum (perhaps scaber), one mature, one a button. Possibly the only non-B. edulis bolete in his works
- Location: unknown
- References: Christie’s auction, Sale 8387 23 May 2000. New York.
- Web:
List of species in paintings (numbers in NMPTC)
- Boletus edulis: 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 19, 21, 32, 62, 64, 66, 69, 70, 73, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 86, 94, 95, 100, 101, 103 (total 25/103 total paintings in NMPTC = 22.3%)
- Amanita caesarea: 5, 8, 17, 24, 26, 27, 39, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 62, 64, 74, 76, 79, 89, 90, 93 (total 20/103 : 19.4%)
- Morels: 66, 67, 72, 75, 76, 98 (total 6/103 = 5.8%)
- Russulas: 34, 64, 67, 70, 84 (total 5/103 = 4.85%)
- Unidentified bolete: 69
- Unidentified gilled species: 71, 84
- Multiple species in same painting: 62 (B. edulis + A. caesarea); 76 (B. edulis + A. caesarea+ morels), 84 (unidentified gilled species + russulas)
- Odd depiction: 37 (purple Amanita caesarea)
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