I have been collecting, studying, eating, growing and teaching mushrooms for 5 decades. Being in nature exploring fungi offers a doorway into the healing balm that the forest offers. I have shared my knowledge of mushrooms and experience through walks, talks and classes held across Maine, New England and beyond. I’m the author the award-winning book Chanterelle Dreams, Amanita Nightmares; The Love Lore and Mystic of Mushrooms, (Chelsea Green, 2010). As a volunteer mushroom identification consultant to Poison Centers across New England, I have provided expertise in mushroom poisoning cases for over 2 decades. For a number of years I have been frequent lecturer to college groups and a mushrooming foray faculty member as well as teaching a on range of topics with durations from 90 minutes to full days, weekends and a 5 day intensive identification seminar. When not mushrooming, I work as a mental health expert specializing in suicide prevention and addressing traumatic grief.
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