I give at least 30 mushroom programs a year, consisting of both walks with collecting with table identifications and typically proceeded or followed by a mushroom slide show. Some of my current slide shows are:
- Edible Morel Mushrooms and Entries, 2 parts
- Morel Mushrooms and their Poisonous Lookalikes
- Carnivorous and Cannibalistic Fungi: Mushrooms that grow on other mushrooms, people, spiders, insects, etc.
- Mushroom Photography
- Weird Wacky and Beautiful Fungi
- Beginner Mushroom ID
- Mushrooms of Hawaii
I have also done a Mushroom Cultivation Workshop (not a slide show) with take-home mushroom kits that can be provided or log cultivation, as well as any other shows on other topics can be easily put together. I give talks the entire year and provided I do not have a talk already scheduled for the same date, I am available anytime. Willing to travel.
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