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Webinar Coordinator

Webinar Coordinator Application Process

Description: setup, market and administer educational webinars for the North American Mycological Association.

  • This position includes a $200 monthly / $2400 annual stipend. due to the fact that this has some regular and ongoing work associated that can be too much to ask of a strictly volunteer position.
  • 24 webinar events annually, mostly between September and April.
  • Coordinate speakers and moderators (speakers chosen by NAMA Board and Committees)
  • Setup Zoom meetings
  • Coordinate with relevant committees (marketing, website, etc) if applicable
  • Setup Calendar invites
  • Setup Events invitation in website
  • Create social media posts and send to social media manager
  • setup email blasts
  • Coordinate payment terms with Treasurer

Need to Know:

  • Each event will take 2-3 hours to implement spread over a 6 week period.
  • Timely and regular communications are needed to work through the steps of an event.
  • Events are usually planned 4-6 weeks in advance. They are typically released to our members 2-4 weeks in advance.
  • The Webinar Coordinator is not responsible for “masterminding” events, just implementing them.

Please fill out the form below to submit your application. Reach out to Trent Blizzard, with any questions. 

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